SB Express Help Center

How do I import an Asset or Inventory List?

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I want to import...

1. Click on the Assets tab on the left menu bar.

2. Click on the Import icon in the top right of the screen.

3. Locate the file to upload by clicking on Select file.

4. Enter the row number containing the Header Row.

A preview of the column headers and first 4 rows will display below.

5. Map the drop down field titles to match the information in each column.

Make sure that either or both of the Serial Number or Inventory Tag fields are mapped. This will ensure to not create duplicate assets.

It is also important to use the same spelling and punctuation when importing Locations, Departments, and Asset Holders. For example: "1st Ave." vs "1st Avenue" or "Steve" vs "Steven".

6. Click on Import.

Please wait for Asset Connect to complete the import before closing the tab or window.

7. An Import Report will display all the changes make during this import.

1. Click on the Assets tab on the left menu bar.

2. Click on the Import icon in the top right of the screen.

3. Locate the file to upload by clicking on Select file.

4. Enter the row number containing the Header Row.

A preview of the column headers and first 4 rows will display below.

5. Map the drop down fields to match Inventory Tag# and Last Inventoried.

6. Click on Import.

Please wait for Asset Connect to complete the import before closing the tab or window.

7. An Import Report will display all the changes make during this import.

Congratulations, you are done!
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