New Lease Accounting Requirements for 2023 (for more details go to
- • Treating leases as debt not operating expenditures
- • Effective for 2022 and beyond
- • Effects lessors & lessees
- Lease term, may include options o Important to determine short-term vs long-term lease
- If long-term lease then that will determine your liability for Schedule 09
- Classify your new & existing contracts o Short-term contracts (less than 1 year) & other exceptions, classify as Operating Expenditures
- If debt issued and ownership transferred at the beginning of the contract, classify as Debt Issuance
- If ownership transferred at the end of the contract (formerly capital lease), classify as Installment Purchase
- Otherwise classify as Lease (longer than 1 year, no other exception & no ownership transfer involved)
- Record payments o Operating Expenditures to appropriate operating expenditure code, no change
- Debt Issuance to 391.P0.00 & 594.PP.60, no change
- Installment Purchase payments to 594.PP.70
- Lease payments to 591.PP.70
- Use Report On or Dept to keep payments as is for internal purposes
- Switch between Installment Purchase & Lease if ownership transfer changes
- Schedule 9 for Leases (installment purchases should already be reported) o New ID Numbers are 263.56 (G.O.) or 263.57 (non-G.O.)
- Beg Bal for existing leases
- Additions for new leases or changes
- Reductions for payments
- Ending Bal for amount of future payments
- Leases Note o Description
- Amount paid in current year
- Schedule of future payments
- For more details go to