SB Express Help Center

How do I calculate Equivalent Residential Units (ERU)?

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Calculating ERU works best if there is a way to differentiate between Residential and Commercial customers.  Separating them by Billing Class, Meter Groups or Customer Status works best.

Go to Utility Billing > Reports > Monthly Utility Totals

  1. Set Month Year to December of the year range
  2. Set beginning date as 01/01 of desired year
  3. Set ending date as 12/31 of desired year
  4. Select Billing Type to Billing
  5. Enter Meter Class if applicable to differentiate groupings
  6. Use Filters to filter by billing class or group.
  7. Click Preview, Printer, PDF
  1. After reports are run,  calculate the annual ERU by dividing Usage ,total water billed, by total units.

Ex:  For class 2075, Usage 20,896,152 / Units 20,572 = Average 1,015.76

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