This is the same process for both Late and Shutoff Notices. The specific notice type is selected in How do I post fees to customer accounts?
Go to Utility Billing > Reports > Manage Customer Balances
- Select a Billing Cycle (grayed out if not using) and
- Select Active to Active only, Inactive only, or All customers for desired list.
- Billing Period defaults to the most recently closed Billing Date, it shouldn't need to be changed.
- Select Status to determine if the last billing period is past due. If charges added on the last Billing Period are past due, select Is Past Due. Select Is Not Past Due if charges added on the last Billing Period are still current.
- Select Notice Date for day of last on time payments.
- Click Generate List
Think of it like a sentence. Example: 11/26/2019 Billing Period Is Past Due on 01/08/2020 or 11/26/2019 Billing Period Is Not Past Due on 01/08/2020. If it is not past due, the prior bill (10/26/2019) will be considered past due on 01/08/2020.
After Generate List is clicked a Fees window will appear, review all fee parameters before continuing.
Default fee parameters are populated from Utility Setup. These are typically set for Late Fee calculations but can be modified for any fee currently being processed.
- Status is carried from what was selected form the Manage Customer Balances home screen. If it is not correct, use the dropdown to change it.
- Select Method
- Prorated fee across Utilities: Select Prorated Method and use the "Combined Late Fee" section for Percentage or Fixed dollars, Min Bal (minimum past due balance), and fee Cap (if using percentage).
- Flat fee in the first Utility listed: Select Flat Method and use the "Combined Late Fee" section for Percentage or Fixed dollars, Min Bal (minimum past due balance), and fee Cap (if using percentage).
- Fixed fee for each Utility with a past due balance: Select Fixed Method and use the By Utility section for Percentage or Fixed dollars and Min Bal, minimum past due balance, for each utility subject to fees
Template is used to save the Method settings.
- Save As saves the settings
- Rename changes the template name
- Delete will remove the template from the list
- Click Continue to generate a list of customers.

Click Custom Basis to include or exclude specific balances from fee calculations. For example: percentage late fees cannot be calculated on previous unpaid percentage late fees, creating "compound interest" style increases. In this case, use Custom Basis to exclude late fees from the calculation. Contact BIAS Support if assistance is needed.
Go to Utility Billing > Reports > Manage Customer Balances
Make sure to cross reference selected customers with any payment arrangements, council exceptions, etc. before posting fees. Simply uncheck a customer to not issue a fee.
- Click Customer Balances tab
- Select from the Show drop down menu to filter for groups of customers as follows:
- Past Due for customers with a past due balance, whether selected for a fee or not
- Selected for customers selected for a fee
- Exempt for customers with a fee exemption, ie. Min Bal (below minimum past due balances), Exempt (not subject to late fees)...
- Balances for all customers with a balance
- Overrides for any customers manually selected or unselected for a fee
- All for all customers
- Check Select or leave unchecked for customers as necessary
- Double-click customer Name to review billing activity.
- Double-click Late Fee to modify fee amount in pop-up window. If customer is manually unchecked, no fee change is necessary. If customer is manually checked, add the required fee and a reason for fee change. Click Save & Close.
- After making customer selections, set Show drop down menu to Selected and click Print to produce a report of selected customers.
Click Print to print labels, notices, and a reports. We recommend only printing the report before moving on to posting fees to customer accounts.
- Report is selected by default in Report Type
- Check Include Fees
- Selected will populate by default in the Select drop down menu.
- Click Preview, Printer, or PDF to save or print report.

Shown is an example of what will generate. The 1st line at the bottom is the report totals. The 2nd line is the report average.