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How do I generate a Payroll Cost Report? Article

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The payroll cost report is useful for seeing payroll costs and determining payroll costs for budgeting.

Go to Advanced Payroll (v2) > Reports > Payroll Cost

The section below shows the payroll cost report for Cloud\Modern view. For On-Prem/Hosted or Cloud Classic view users, scroll down to the On-Prem/Hosted/Classic view section of this article.

  1. Select the Year
  2. Select the Type or leave the type field selected as All
  3. Select Pay Cycle or Dates
  4. Select Sort By Group or Status
  5. Select Employee if desired
  6. Click Generate

Each tab can sort the data by the column headers.

Each tab will have an excel export button, a print button or both to print or export the information.

Payroll tab shows the cost of the payroll for a selected Pay Cycle or date range.

Distribution tab shows the Fund, Fund Name, Bars Code, Description, Wages, Benefits and Hours for each employee's wage splits.

Distribution Detail tab breaks out the payroll distribution even more. Employee Number, Employee Name, Group, Transaction Number (Trans), Fund, Fund Name, Account, Description, Wages, Benefits and Hours.

Pay Items tab shows the Employee Number, Employee Name, Group, Type, Pay Cycle, Earning Item, Hours attached to each Earning Item, Wage Rate (Rate, Wage and Memo

Pay Details tab shows the Employee Number, Employee Name, Group, Type, Pay Cycle, Date Worked, Item , Hours, Wage Rate (Rate), Wage and Memo

The Pay Details will show each day and the hours worked for that day per employee.

Employee Totals tab is a summary for each employee. This tab shows the Employee Number, Employee Name, Group, Total Hours (Hours) Total Wages (Wages), Position and the Date.

Deduction Summary tab shows the Employee Number, Name, Deduction Plan (Plan), Wages, Wage basis for the Deduction (Basis), Employer Match (Match) , Employee % Deduction Amount (EE % AMT), Employee Flat Amount (EE FLAT), Total Employee Deduction (EE Total), Employer % Amount (ER % AMT), Employer Flat (EE Flat), Employer Total (EE Total), and Hours

Deduction Detail tab shows the Date, Employee Number, Employee Name, Plan, Wages, Basis, Match, Employee % Amount (EE % AMT), Employee Flat (EE Flat), Employee Total Deduction (EE Total), Employer % AMT (ER % AMT), Employer Flat Amout (AR Flat), Employer Total Deduction (ER Total), Hours

The Employees button allows for the selection of employees to be included in the Payroll Cost report.

  1. Click the Employees button
  2. Check or uncheck employees to be included in the report
  3. Click Apply

This section is for On-Prem/Hosted or Cloud clients using the Classic View.  

  1. Select Pay Cycle or Dates
  2. Select Sort By Group or Status
  3. Select Filter by Payroll Group if desired
  4. Select Employee if desired
  5. Click Generate

Each tab can sort the data by the column headers.

Payroll tab shows the cost of the payroll for a selected Pay Cycle or date range.

Funds tab shows employee costs by BARS code

Pay Items tab shows costs by Pay Item

  1. View can be filtered by Pay Item
  2. Show Composite will calculate the Composite Wage and Rate

Pay Details tab shows cost by Pay Items and Date Worked

  1. View can be filtered by Pay Item

Employee Totals tab shows a summary of employee costs

  • Each tab has the ability to export the data to Excel for creating custom reports.
  • Each tab except the Employee Totals can be printed as a report
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