Go to File > Settings (requires 'Timesheet Settings' rights)
- Click Schedules button
- Select existing schedule from drop-down list or click Add New
Verify the following fields:
- Name of schedule
- Rotation - is a bit tricky. 'X' = off and 'O' = on. An example is if the schedule is a weekday schedule you would do something like this XXOOOOO, with the first X representing a Saturday
- 'Valid From' and 'Valid To' Dates - These are the dates that the schedule is valid for. This is used to make sure that a schedule that is only allowed for a certain time period is not used outside the time period. The start date MUST match the day the rotation starts at. The example above starts with a Saturday, so the valid start date MUST be the first Saturday in the scheduled range.
Do not change these when you are actually writing the schedule for the employee timesheets. (See later)
- Start and End time - if a time wants to be set you may. Also may simply put in the hours and skip the time.
- Use Pay Type - is typically 'Use Primary', but if you want to override this you may set the pay type to use with this schedule
- # Shifts - is for the number of shifts that need to be made for this schedule. Usually only used for 911 centers who have shifts that need to be filled and want blanks in the schedule. 'Create Vacant Shifts' will create empty shifts if the number of shifts is greater than the number of employees in the schedule. See step below.
- Employees is the list of all the employees that are a part of this schedule and will have shifts created for them when 'Write Schedule' button is clicked.
- Select the desired schedule to write - DO NOT change the valid date range in the schedule. A date range to write the desired times will be asked for later.
- Click Write Schedule - this button will be disabled if the schedule is currently in 'Edit' mode
- A new window will pop up with a start date and end date. Enter the desired date range to prepopulate the timesheets for the employees below. Uncheck or check any employees that you do or do not want to write the schedule for. Note that if the employee already has time written in they will be unchecked by default. Checking the box and writing the schedule will overwrite any pre-existing scheduled times, but not manually entered times that were not part of this schedule process.
To change personal settings:
- Go to File > My Settings
- Here the user may change their Login Name, Password, and their default start application.
- Calendar View is the default view for timesheets. Current options are 'Day', 'Week', 'Month', and 'Custom'