Go to Advanced Payroll > Payroll Control Center > Cog Wheel in the upper right hand corner

- Click Defaults tab and enter set up information
- Click each sub-tab L&I, Unemployment, SS-Med, Withholding, AEIC, Other, State Tax, DRS and Email in the Defaults tab and enter information.
- Click Accruals tab, to add employee accruals. See How Do I Add or Edit an Accrual?" for more detail.
Note that you will return to the Distributions tab once you have established your positions.
- Click Earnings tab, to add employee earning types. See How do I add or Edit a Pay Item?" for more detail.
- Click Benefits & Deductions, to add employee benefits and deductions. See How do I Add or Edit a Benefit/Deduction?" for more detail.
- Click Positions to enter employee positions and pay defaults.
- Click Pay Cycles tab to define the different types of payrolls that are run and what earnings types, accruals and deductions will apply.