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DCP Roth Setup - Basic Payroll

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Setting up the DCP Roth Plan in Basic Payroll

Starting Oct 1st, 2023, the WA state Department of Retirement has a new DCP Roth plan that is available for employees to contribute into. This article shows how to setup the DCP Roth plan in Basic Payroll

The first step is to add a new benefit/deduction

  1. Click Basic Payroll>Payroll Setup. Click the Deduction Plans tab.
  2. Click Add Plan.
  3. Leave the plan number blank (SBX will assign a plan number) or put a plan number that has not been used yet in the Plan column.
  4. Type = Retirement
  5. Give the plan a name in the Plan Name column.
  6. For the vendor account, enter the same vendor number as the Deferred Comp (if you have it) or double click the account number field and either select the vendor or add a new vendor.
  7. Print Order = 4. The print order is where the deduction will show on the employee's paycheck in the employee's deduction.
  8. Ret Basis = unchecked
  9. Check Ret = unchecked
  10. Employee Soc Sec  Medicare and FWT = Yes, Yes and Yes.  This means the Roth contribution is all post tax and not pre-tax.
  11. W2 = 12 EE
  12. Participate:  

Employee:  Emp = Yes  Dep = No

Employer:   Emp =  No Dep = No

  1. Flat:  Emp = what the employee is contributing. Ex  400

If the employee is contributing a percentage of their wages, enter the percentage as a decimal in the Dec % field. Ex  0.04

  1. Max = the yearly cap *** The cap is dependent on other factors. Does the employee and/or employer contribute to another DCP state plan? What is the age of the employee? Please visit the WA DRS Roth Information Website for more information regarding caps: ***
  2. Click Save. When saved, the save will change back to Edit as shown below.  
  1. Add the deduction to employee deductions by double clicking the employee name on the right and select the employee from the list.
  1. Adjust the employee's contribution and maximum (yearly cap) as needed. This deduction is per pay period.
  2. Click Save
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