SB Express Help Center

How do I print Payroll Setup Reports? Article

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Go to Advanced Payroll > Payroll Setup


  1. Click Distributions tab
  2. Click Print
  1. Select  Distribution to blank
  1. Click Preview, Print, or PDF

Shown is an example of what the report should look like.


Go to Advanced Payroll > Payroll Setup

  1. Click Accruals tab
  2. Click Print
  1. Check Print Settings
  2. Click Preview, Printer or PDF

Shown is an example of what the report should look like.


Go to Advanced Payroll > Payroll Setup

  1. Click Earnings tab
  2. Click Print
  1. Leave Print Employees and Active Only unchecked
  2. Click Preview, Print or PDF

Shown is an example of what the report should look like.

Benefits & Deductions

Go to Advanced Payroll > Payroll Setup

  1. Click Benefits & Deductions tab
  2. Click Print
  1. Check Print Settings
  2. Click Preview, Printer or PDF

Shown is an example of what the report should look like.


Go to Advanced Payroll > Payroll Setup  

  1. Click Positions tab
  2. Click Print
  1. Check Print Wage Scale
  2. Check Print Positions
  3. Click Preview, Print or PDF

Shown is an example of what the report should look like.

If the reports are being printed for the Essential Training Completion Checklist, stop here.  If the reports are being used for personal review, we recommend repeating the process again with the Print Employees checked to review employee setup.

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