Adding and removing fees from a permit in BIAS is an easy process. To add or remove a fee, simply check or uncheck the box to the far left of the fee. Fees typically have either a Rate or Fixed fee.
- Click Edit.
- Check the far left box to select the fee.
- To increase or decrease the fee use the Quantity field to enter the desired count of fees.
- The Selected Total will show the new updated total for the permit. The Rate and Fixed values may be changed as well.
- Repeat will repeat the fee that is currently highlighted. This is commonly used to repeat a fee that has already been invoiced and cannot be changed further.
Fees are pre-set in the Advanced Settings and can be modified and changed at any time.
To add a fee that is not pre-set in the default fees:
- Click Edit.
- Click the Add Charges link.
- A new window will open asking for the description of the fee, the quantity, and the per-item cost or the fixed cost.
- Double click on Account to enter the desired BARS code.
- If the missing charge is a common fee, the Add to Defaults checkbox may be clicked. This adds the fee to the permit's defaults and will be on the next permit created.
- Click the Save button.
Descriptions need to be unique.

Reversing a fee can be done in one of two ways. If the fee has not been invoiced, uncheck the checkbox next to the fee to unselect it. Some fees cannot be removed from the permit and must be reversed.
Fees such as valuation and plan check cannot be modified under the Permit Fees tab. Continue to Adding Valuation
To reverse fees:
Follow the same steps as Adding New Fees, except add 'Reversal' to the description of the fee, and a negative (-) amount that offsets the original charge. Be sure to use the correct bars code for the reversal.
Example: A $7.35 fee for a sink that was invoiced and needs a reversal. Simply type in 'Sink Reversal', then in the flat fee enter '-7.35'. Note: The name of the reversal and the name of the fee must be different.
Estimating the value of the building is a simple process of setting the occupancy type or construction class, the type of construction, and the square footage of the building. Valuation and Plan Check fees can be added to any permit, but is typically found in the Building Permit.
To change the valuation of the permit:
- From the desired permit's screen, click Edit.
- Click on the calculator in the Valuation field. Valuation is in the Permit Info section.
- Click Add New to create a new valuation.
- Double-click in the Construction Class to set the class of the building and choose the desired construction type. Non-standard constuction classes can be manually entered. Ex: The term "First Floor" may be used.
- Double-click in the Type of Construction and choose the construction type. The cost per square foot will be entered based on the construction type. Manual entry is also allowed.
- Type in the Square Feet of the building and the value will auto calculate.*^
- Click Save & Close.

* In some cases the value may already be calculated by an inspector. To manually set the value simply remove the 'Cost/SqFt' and now the total value may be entered manually.
^ If the entires are manually entered then the the Cost/SqFt will also need to be entered manually.
The valuation is now set and any valuation and/or plan check fee will now be seen in the Permit Fees tab. Valuations can be added or modified at any time in the permitting process. Multiple valuations may be entered.
Removing or modifying the plan check fee can be done next to the valuation fee.
To change the plan check fee:
- Click on the box to the right of Chk (the plan check percentage) and enter the desired percentage. If the fee should be removed completely, enter '0'.