Invoices are created when the permit or project's contractor(s) are ready to being work. Once an invoice has been created, the permit is permanent and cannot be deleted. To avoid unnecessary permits, make sure the contractor is ready to begin work, all fees are accurate, and all required approvals have been passed. An invoice can be created two ways, at the permit screen and at the project screen. An invoice created at the permit level will invoice only that permit, while the project will invoice all permits attached to the project.
Additional invoices, separate from the fees assigned to the permit, can be created under the Invoices tab on the permit screen. Invoices created under the Invoices tab should not be used for invoicing the fees/charges seen in the Charges tab.
- To invoice at a permit level, click the Invoice Balance.
- Invoicing at the project level is done on the project screen. Click Invoice Project for all permits attached to the project. A project must have a project number assigned to it before it may be invoiced.
The invoice selection screen will be available. Invoicing is completed by:
- Check the box(es) of the permits that should be invoiced.
- Insert a memo in any additional information should be on the invoice.
- Check the Confirm checkbox.
- Choose Preview, Printer, or PDF for printing the invoice.
- Click Yes to create the invoice.

The invoice(s) are now available to print and also can be reviewed later under the invoices tab in both the project and permit screen.
If additional fees are added to the permit after the invoice simply re-invoice the permit. BIAS will determine if there is an unpaid invoice and add the additional fees or will make a new invoice.
Manual invoices are linked to a permit but not directly realted to any charges in that permit. For example, an invoice could be created to invoice a developer for engineering, additional planning fees, or a SEPA review that was not expected. All manual invoices will be totaled under Misc. Fees.
To create a manual invoice:
- Start in the Invoice tab of the permit screen. Click Add New. If the Add New link is unavailable, click Edit.
- Review the date and the customer. Note that the customer needs to be the same as the Invoice Account set under Advanced Settings.
- Enter the source type from the dropdown. (Contact the Finance departement if unsure).
- Enter the fees to be invoiced. Double-click on the description for a list of fees, or enter them manually.
- When all fees are entered, click Save & Close.
A manual invoice may be avoided by adding an additional fee in the permit charges tab.