Go to Cash Receipting > Cash Receipts
- Click Add New.
- Enter the user password.
- Select Type as 'Building Permits'. (The Customer field will automatically fill with the customer name 'Customer Permitting').
Invoices my be filtered by customer name by using the drop-down next to the Selected Total.
- Select the invoices that are to be paid by checking the box to the far left of the invoice line.
- When all invoices desired have been selected, enter the payment information, then click Save & Close to finalize the transaction.
When a customer wishes to make a desposit before a permit is created, a Building Permit Deposit must be made in Cash Receipting. This process will create a permit type 'ZZ' called 'Unassigned Deposit' and attached the deposit to the created permit. The created permit will appear in the permits list and the permit tech can then add information/setup the permit at a later time.
Go to Cash Receipting > Cash Receipts
- Click Add New.
- Enter the user password.
- Select Type as 'Building Permits'. (The Customer field will automatically fill with the customer name 'Customer Permitting'.
- Click Create BP Deposit.
- Enter the required fields: Deposit Totals, Applicant Name and Phone Number, & Contractor Name and Phone Number. A memo may also be attached if necessary.
- Click Write Deposit when all the required fields are filled.
- Collect payment by entering the payment information and clicking Save & Close.

The act of creating the deposit will create the permit. Payment of the deposit can be cancelled until a later date if necessary.
An unassigned desposit is a permit that has not been given a type. This permit was created by the financial side by the steps under Receiving A Deposit Without A Permit. The only information that will be available in the permitting module is the applicant name and phone number, the contractor name and phone number, and an attached invoice for the deposit amount.
- Select the Unassigned Deposit from the permits list by double-clicking on it.
- Click Edit on the permit screen.
- Double-click on the Applicant's account box and select the applicant from the list.
- Click the Contactor tab and assign the contractor accout number similar to the applicant in step 3.
- Click on the BIll To tab and choose to bill the applicant, the contractor, or other.
- Select the permit type to change the unassigned deposit to say 'Yes' to updating the permit with the default charges. (If the wrong permit type is accidentally chosen, say 'No' to the update, reset the type back to unassigned deposit, and repeat step 6).
- Click Move Parcel to assign the permit to the desired parcel.
The permit is now converted from unassinged deposit to the desired permit type. Update the permit fees, valuation, and other information as needed.