Projects group common permits together to allow for quick reviews, reports, and tracking. Projects can be pre-populated with permits specific to the type of project or may be created empty.
To create a new project:
- Click New Project under the Projects tab in the Control Center.
- Select the parcel where the project will be done. If a new parcel is required, click Add Parcel.
- The Edit Parcel screen will open. Verify that all the information is complete. Add any additional information that is missing or required.
- Click the Add Project button in the bottom left corner. An empty project will open.

- The applicant will be pre-populated with information from the parcel if an account number is set in the parcel. To change an applicant, double click in the Account Number box.
There are two ways to set the contractor depending on if the applicant is doing the work or if a contractor will be hired.
- To set the contractor click on the Contractor tab and select the contractor by double clicking in the top left box. (Make sure to verify the contractor's license is current while processing this step).
- If the applicant is doing the work, check the Acting As Contractor checkbox.
- Choose a project type from the drop-down. Projects must be setup in the Advanced Settings before this step.
- Now set the Tech who is responsible for the project.
- Click on the Permits tab to create the default permits for the project. Click Yes to create the permits for the project when the verification box opens. If an empty project is needed, click No.
All of the permits can be seen in the Permits tab and the project is ready to use.
The next steps for the project should be to review each permit created to make sure the approvals, inspections and fees are accurate for the project. Individual permits may be modified or reviewed by double-clicking on the desired permit, or all the permits may be reviewed by clicking on the tabs.