Gather amortization schedules for bonds, loans and other debt that show beginning balances, proceeds (i.e. additions), principal payments (i.e. reductions), interest payments and ending balances by year.
Keep them in a folder to be used later in the Schedule 09 process.
Do you want to prepare a year end accrual balance spreadsheet manually or using the Accrual Balance report in SBX?
To prepare manually, you will need the following columns:
•Employee Name
•Accrual type (Vacation, Sick, Comp, etc.)
•Ending Balance
•Hourly Rate
•Factor (cash out percentage where .5=50%, 1=100%, etc)
•Cost (Ending Balance x Hourly Rate x Factor
Enter the data
The data can come from SBX Payroll or where ever you track your accruals.
Was the Accrual Balance Report run at the end of the year and saved for Annual Reporting?
- While SBX can generate an Accrual Balance report to Excel saving time, it has limitations. The date used to generate the report determines the balance as well as the rate and employees. Consider the following:
- Does the Ending Balance reflect Dec hours?
- Does the Hourly Rate reflect the prior year rate?
- Are all active employees as of the end of the year included?
When running the Accrual Balance Report on Dec. 31, it will reflect the current rates, but may not include final December accrual balances. If the accrual report are run later in the following year, the report may be impacted by rate changes and employees that have been made inactive.
What version of payroll is being used?
Go to Advanced Payroll > Reports > Accrual Balances
- Changed the date to 12/31/YYYY (reporting year).
- Click Factors and confirm that the items with boxes checked are paid out at separation. Also confirm the rate for which it is paid.
- Check Payout Items Only
- Click Excel to generate the report.
Depending on when payroll is run and how accruals are earned, check Use Whole Month to capture all accrual items.