SB Express Help Center

How do I create WPSL in Advanced 1 or 2 of Payroll in Starship?

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For Advanced 1 Payroll or Advanced 2 (Starship) WPSL sick leave calculations need to be entered manually.

Make a manual calculation of hours worked x 2.5% for the employee if they are not covered by an existing sick leave accrual that meets or exceeds the new RCW.

Go to:  Advanced Payroll > Payroll Setup > Accruals tab

  1. Create a new sick leave bank or create a "zero" step for your sick bank.  Set accrual cap to "Roll" (minimum of 40) and Exceed to "Warning".
  1. Assign the sick leave accrual to an employee with the "zero" accrual.

Go to:  Payroll > Payroll Control Center

  1. Add new pay cycle
  1. Add employees
  1. Use the "Sick Adj" earning item to accrue the sick pay in each period paid based on your manual calculation.
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