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How Do I Create PFML & Long Term Care Reports?

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PFML Reporting functionality has been updated in the latest release of SBX. If you're an on-prem user, please make sure your program is on the latest update. From the program, choose Help>About SBX. Make sure the version is at least date on or after 8/22/2023

For information related to reporting PFML please visit the paid leave website

PFML/LTC Reporting in Advanced Payroll

Please note: The WA State Employment Security Department wants PFML and Long Term Care (LTC) filed together in one CSV file. In the program, the payables for PFML and LTC are created separately.

Go to: Advanced Payroll > Reports > Benefits

  1. Enter date range for quarter needed
  2. Enter PFMLA or PFML (the name your entity calls the PFML deduction in the program)
  3. Click Generate
  4. Click on Excel button

If you've saved the PFML Export report in a previous quarter double click the report name, verify the selected fields and click the CSV button the skip to step 10. If there isn't a saved report, continue to step 5. (If this is the first time including LTC in the PFML Export, there are additional fields needed for the Export. The additional fields are Exempt and DOB.

5.  Click Clear All and Select only the fields needed for reporting. (These are: EmployeeSocialSecNum, EmployeeLastName, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeMiddleInitial, vRounded Hours, mReportableWages, Exempt and DOB. )

6.  Check Selected Only

7.  Re-order using the Move_Up or Move_Down tool. The order for reporting needs to be EmployeeSocialSecNum, EmployeeLastName, EmployeeFirstName, EmployeeMiddleInitial, vRoundedHours, mReportableWages, Exempt and DOB.

8.  Save the PFMLA report for future use.

9.  Click CSV button. Save CSV file.

10. In the Print Name column, name the EmployeeSocSecNum to SSN

  1. The CSV File should automatically open for editing. If it doesn't open, find the file and open the file and edit the file.

Before preceding any further, review hours and wages for accuracy. Salaried employee hours are estimated based on 160 hours worked per month. Make any changes needed. It is critical that this report is reviewed prior to submission.

  1. Remove employee rows that are not applicable (i.e. volunteers or 0 hours or wages). To do this right click on the row that needs to be deleted and select delete.

13.  Add 2 decimal places to the wages (column F). To do this click on letter F to highlight entire column.

14.  Click on Increase Decimal button. Make sure that all wages go out to 2 decimal places.

15. Format the DOB field to be:  mm/dd/yyyy. This needs to be done because Excel reformats dates to what it wants.  

16.  After formatting save file and close CSV file.

17.  Repeat this process if additional quarters are needed.

18.  To test this file prior to submission go to and log in.

19.  The CSV file should be uploaded to the site by logging into their site and filing the quarter's report. This files both the PFML and the LTC reporting information.

20. Return to the Benefits Splits window and click the Create AP button to create the PFML AP.

The next step is to create the payable for Long Term Care or LTC.

1. From the Benefits Splits window, double check the dates and choose WA Cares or LTC or Long Term Care or whatever name your entity named the benefit/deduction.

2. Click Generate

3. Create AP.

If needed, make corrections to the Accounts Payable entry to correct for any rounding differences between BIAS and Employment Security numbers.

PFML/LTC Reporting in Basic Payroll

Please note: The WA State Employment Security Department wants PFML and Long Term Care (LTC) filed together in one CSV file. In the program, the payables for PFML and LTC are created separately.

  1. Go to Basic Payroll > Reports > Benefits Splits
  1. Enter date range for quarter needed
  2. Select PFML in the Plan
  3. Click Generate
  4. Click Employee Totals
  1. Click on Export to Excel
  1. Select the following fields: mtSS#, LastName, FirstName, Middle Initial, Rounded Hours, Wages, Exempt and DOB
  2. Click Selected Only
  3. Use the Move Up or Move Down buttons to arrange the fields in the order shown below
  4. Rename mtSS# in the Print Name field to SSN
  5. Click the CSV button
  1. Open CSV File

Before preceding any further, review hours and wages for accuracy. Hours are pulled in exactly as they were entered. Make any changes needed. It is critical that this report is reviewed prior to submission.

  1. Remove employee rows that are not applicable (i.e. volunteers). To do this right click on the row that needs to be deleted and select delete.
  1. Add 2 decimal places to the wages (column F). To do this click on letter F to highlight entire column.
  2. Click on Increase Decimal button. Make sure that all wages go out to 2 decimal places.
  3. Format the DOB field to be mm/dd/yyyy
  1. After formatting save file and close CSV file.
  2. Repeat this process if additional quarters are needed.
  3. To test this file prior to submission go to
  4. Exit the Export Benefits Window in SBX
  5. Exit the Employee's Window in SBX
  6. Click Create AP's.
  1. From the Benefits Splits window, choose the Long Term Care plan (LTC, WA Cares, whatever your entity calls it).
  2. Click Generate
  3. Verify that the amount is correct and print then click the Create AP's button

If needed, make corrections to the Accounts Payable entry to correct for any rounding differences between SBX and Employment Security.

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