Long Term Care needs to be taken out of employee paychecks starting July 1st 2023 (Does not matter what hours the employee is being paid for.
For more information visit the Employment Security Department website.
It is recommended to wait to add Long Term Care or change Long Term Care rates for July until after the last payroll of June is complete.
Please see the following site for additional information
There is no employer contribution, but employers are required to collect premiums through employee payroll deductions and remit proceeds to the Employment Security Department (EDS). This agency will deposit funds in a trust for the individual until they qualify for the benefit.
All qualifying employees are subject to the premium assessment, with the following exceptions: Please see the exemptions page at ESD for more information
The Long Term Care will be reported with PFLMA at the same time. Since the address for remitting payments is different, setup a new vendor for Long Term Care
**** Employment Security is requiring the birthday for all employee be reported in the quarterly reports for PFML/LTC. Be sure that each employee's birthday is in their employee record. ****
Go to: Advanced Payroll >Payroll Control Panel: Click the Cog Wheel near the upper right hand corner and choose Setup
In the program's Classic View, Go to: Advanced Payroll>Payroll Setup
Click the Benefits & Deductions Tab
Before adding a new Deduction, check to see if the Long Term Care is already there and if it's inactive, make the Long Term Care active again. For instructions, scroll down to the Make the Inactive Long Term Care Deduction Active.
To see if Long Term Care is already setup but just inactive, click the "Active" Dropdown box near the top right hand side of the Payroll Setup, Benefits and Deductions Tab and choose "All."
The Active dropdown might also be in the middle right hand side of the Benefits and Deductions window.
If you need to Add the Long Term Care deduction:
Click Add New
- Enter Plan Number- This is the sequence they appear on the screen. If left blank, the program will add the number automatically
- Enter Plan Description - Long Term Care or Wa State Long Term Care
- Double click on Vendor - Click Add New to add a new vendor.
- Select Group - Other
- Make sure the Employee: Soc Sec Med FWT and W2 match what's shown below
- Click Add New in the lower section, under the Settings Tab.
- Enter a description for the Plan Category
- Enter .0058 in the EE Decimal Field. This represents 0.58%.
- There is no EE Maximum and no EE Cap.
- Click Save
- Click Add New again and add another Plan Category named Exempt. Use 0.00 as the EE decimal. Click Save to save the Exempt category. This plan category will be used as the plan category for employees who are exempt from LTC.
- In the image above, click Save
- Click Apply to Employees to apply this deduction to employee accounts to be used on the next payroll cycle,
- In the Setting drop down, choose LTC or the Description used in
- For the Group, choose either All or select the individual group to apply the deduction to.
- The checkbox Select for All Positions will apply this deduction to the Default Deductions under the Positions tab in Payroll Setup for All Positions. Checking this box ensures that the deduction or benefit will be added to their payroll record when the employee is added and a current position is chosen. Check this box if needed.
- Click Apply
- If you checked the Select For All Positions check box, Click Yes to Apply Plan To All Employees

If the Long Term Care Deduction is inactive, to make the deduction active, highlight the plan, click Edit then Check the Active Checkbox then click Save
Edit the Plan Category and enter .0058 in the EE decimal place field then click Save.
Go to Step 12 above and Apply the deduction and rate to employees. If there are any employees who are exempt, proceed to the section below.
The deduction is now added to all employees. If there are employee's who are exempt from the deduction, go to their employee record and remove the deduction. If there is an open payroll period, the deduction will need to be added to each employee in that payroll period if needed.
For Exempt Employees, in the employee record, there is an Exempt From LTC checkbox. Check the Exempt From LTC checkbox to Exempt the employee from LTC.
Make sure the employee's birthday is in the Birth Date field
Custom Basis (this step is only for customers who have only some earning items PFML is calculated on): Some customers have a custom basis which allows specific earning items to be used to calculated PFML deductions. If you're using a custom basis for PFML, please use the same custom basis for Long Term Care. To check to see, click on the PFML or Paid Family Medical Leave deduction and click the Custom Basis button from the Benefits and Deductions menu:

Sort by Selected by clicking on the selected field heading twice. Make a screenshot of all the selected earning items.
Exit the PFML Selected Items window and highlight Long Term Care. Click the Custom Basis button again.

Click the Write Button to have all the earning items populate the list.
Click Edit then
Click the Selected checkbox next to the same earning items that were selected in the PFML Selected Items window.
Click Save to save the selected earning items.
The Long Term Care deduction will be reported quarterly with PFMLA. When running the benefit reports for regular payroll, check Long Term Care from the list. See How Do I Create Long Term Care Reports?