SB Express Help Center

What does "Error #161" mean?

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This error prevents users from running BIAS and typically occurs when the Pervasive license has exceeded the number of allowed users.

Verify that the number of allowed Pervasive users is not exceeded

  1. From the Start Menu, type "Pervasive License Administrator" and open the desktop app.  If the start menu doesn't show the application , then you must search in File Explorer.  Typically the path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Pervasive Software\PSQL\bin\guilcadm.exe".  If you cannot find gutilcadm.exe, then please contact your IT department.
  1. The name of the server hosting BIAS will be needed to locate the license. Leave the Pervasive License Administrator window open and return to the desktop.

The Pervasive License Administrator will likely show no licenses because the license is assigned on the server. If a license is listed in the License Information table, you may skip to Step #6.

  1. From the desktop, right click on the BIAS 6 icon then select Properties.
  1. In the BIAS 6 Properties window, the server name can be found in the Target box file path. The server name is the first location in path following INI="... (See highlighted server name example below.)
  1. Return to the Pervasive License Administrator window. Enter the server name from Step #4 into the Server Name field then click the Connect button.
  1. The Pervasive license will now be displayed in the License Information table. The number of allowed users are displayed under the User Count column.
  1. Now this allowed User Count should be compared to the Active User Count. Leave the Pervasive License Administrator window open and return to the Start Menu.
  2. From the Start Menu, type "PSQL Monitor" and open the desktop app. If PSQL Monitor does not appear, try typing "Monitor" instead.
  1. From the MicroKernel menu item, select the Active Sessions option. (If you opened Monitor instead of PSQL Monitor in Step #8, this will say Active Users instead of Active Sessions.)
  1. The number of active users is listed on the top left. If this number exceeds the allowed User Count from Step #6, then this is likely the source of the error.
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