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How do I update Springbrook Express?

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Before updating SBX, read the release notes for the latest version to understand the new features and updates from the prior release.

Are you Cloud/Hosted or a non-cloud/hosted (On-Prem) client?

SBX Hosted and Cloud clients have SBX stored on the Cloud and are required to log into the Cloud environment prior to logging into the SBX program.  SBX Non-Hosted (or On Premises Clients) are those that have the SBX program installed on their own computer or their own network server.

Hosted and Cloud Clients do not need to take any action to update SBX.  Updates are automatically completed by the SBX staff.  If it is desired to receive an update earlier than the general release date, contact SBX Support or submit a ticket.

Go to Help > Backup/Update SBX

If Backup/Update BIAS_6 is not visible under the Help menu, contact BIAS Support or submit a ticket.

  1. Confirm your version of SBX under Help>About SBX

  1. Confirm that there are no other users, other than the user updating SBX, currently logged in.  If any users are logged in, notify users to close out of SBX before continuing.

  1. Once all users are out, update the list by clicking Refresh

  1. If there are sessions that are still open with Login dates prior to the current day, click Close All

  1. After all users are closed out of SBX, click Backup Files, this is a required step before updating.

A black screen will pop-up showing the files backing up.  A percentage will show on the right to indicate the progress to completion.  When the back up process is done, a new window will open with the file location of the back up file.  Nothing needs to be done with this unless the system needs to be restored.  If that is needed, contact SBX Support or submit a ticket.

  2. Check Select for desired update
  3. The date listed under Update is the file creation date not the release date.

If there are more than one update listed and the most current will not select, try selecting a prior update.  It may be required to update to the prior update before proceeding to the most current.

If the Beta is checked on an update, it is new version that is being tested and has not been approved for general release.

  1. Click Update SBX

If the message below appears that the system is unable to connect to the file server, the update will fail.  Contact SBX Support for a manual update.

A pop-up box will appear notifying that the update process has started.  Be patient and ignore any Not Responding messages.  Wait for SBX to complete the update process.

A pop-up box will appear notifying that the installation is complete, and that SBX needs to restart to finish the installation.

  1. Click OK, and SBX will close
  2. Restart and log on to SBX

When SBX reopens, the update can be confirmed in the upper right corner of the home screen.

Congratulations, you are done!
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