SB Express Help Center

How do I install the Pervasive database?

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Pervasive is used to store client data and must be installed before using BIAS. Follow these steps to install the Pervasive software database.

Check to see if Pervasive is already installed
  1. From the Start Menu, type "Add or Remove Programs" and open the system settings.
  1. Type "Pervasive" in the search bar. If Pervasive does not appear, you may proceed to the steps to install Pervasive.
  1. Verify if the existing install of Pervasive is compatible with BIAS.

BIAS supports Pervasive versions 10 and higher. If an older version is downloaded, contact BIAS Support for assistance.

Install Pervasive
  1. Navigate to This PC > Local Disk (C:) > BIAS_6 > Install > PSQL11.30 > Workgroup.
  2. Run PSQL-Workgroup- to install Pervasive on a SERVER - Install PSQL-Client- on a CLIENT. The following steps are the same for either version
  3. As you go through the installation, you may accept the default settings with two exceptions:
    • Select 32-bit installation.
  • Select Run as Service when prompted.
  • Click Next until process is completed.
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