Pervasive is used to store client data and must be installed before using BIAS. Follow these steps to install the Pervasive software database.
- From the Start Menu, type "Add or Remove Programs" and open the system settings.
- Type "Pervasive" in the search bar. If Pervasive does not appear, you may proceed to the steps to install Pervasive.
- Verify if the existing install of Pervasive is compatible with BIAS.
BIAS supports Pervasive versions 10 and higher. If an older version is downloaded, contact BIAS Support for assistance.
- Navigate to This PC > Local Disk (C:) > BIAS_6 > Install > PSQL11.30 > Workgroup.
- Run PSQL-Workgroup- to install Pervasive on a SERVER - Install PSQL-Client- on a CLIENT. The following steps are the same for either version
- As you go through the installation, you may accept the default settings with two exceptions:
- Select 32-bit installation.
- Select Run as Service when prompted.
- Click Next until process is completed.