SB Express Help Center

How do I edit Cash Receipts in the General Ledger?

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Editing or Voiding a Treasurer's Receipt and Utility Payments is dependent on user rights.  This is part of good accounting practices.  Normally a receipt is voided only on the current day and not in a closed accounting period.  BIAS maintains an audit trail for all changes.

Go to Transactions > General Ledger

Editing a Treasurer's Receipt
  1. Click to highlight desired TR
  1. Click View
  1. Click Edit


  1. Select to edit Date
  2. Enter Vendor number or double click select new desired Vendor
  3. Enter new payment Amount
  4. Select new Account
  5. Enter or edit Memo
  6. Check or uncheck EFT
  7. Highlight transaction and enter new Amount and BARS Distribution
Voiding a Treasurer's Receipt
  1. Click to highlight desired Transaction
  1. Click View
  1. Click Void
  1. Check Void Transaction
  2. Enter Reason for void
  3. Click Void

The print box will open, print a copy of the void for auditing records.  The transaction will then appear in the General Ledger with blank amount, void memo, and Void checked.

Editing a Utility Payment
  1. Click to highlight desired Utility Payment
  1. Click View
  1. Click Edit


  1. Select Date change to desired date
  2. Enter Vendor number or double click to select Utility Payment Customer or new desired Vendor
  3. Enter new Amount
  4. Select new Account desired
  5. Enter or edit Memo
  6. Check or uncheck EFT
  7. Enter new Distribution Amounts in lower portion

For Utility Payments, the distribution is adjusted in the lower half of the Utility Payments screen.

Editing Example:  Customer's Payment was $185.94.  The check was entered as $185.94.  The actual check amount was $190.00 and the entry needs to be corrected.  

Original Transaction

Enter correct amount Chk Amt

Update the distribution for the increased amount.  By default, BIAS does not know what to do with the excess amount that needs to be applied.  Typically, this should be applied to Basic Water.

Voiding a Utility Payment
  1. Click to highlight the Utility Payment
  1. Click View
  1. Click Edit
  1. Click to highlight the payment on the Utility Payments tab
  1. Click Delete if transaction is within a batch payment. If you void within a batch all transactions in your batch will be voided.
  2. Click Void if it is a single transaction payment
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