BIAS maintains an animal database that helps you search for animals, print lists for animal control staff, or run renewal notices easily.
Go to Cash Receipting > Cash Receipts
- Click Add New
- Enter User Password
- Enter Date defaults to user's BIAS sign-in date
- Enter Customer double click in the customer field to select from list or create a new customer. Find instructions on How to Enter a New Customer? here.
- Select the receipt Type Animal License
Any customer with an animal in the system will have a bold Animals button. When selecting a customer from the list view, double click on the customer.
The Animal License Type, combined with the customer pulls in the list of animals assigned to the customer.
- Check Select for desired Animal to renew
- Review the Tag Year should be current year renewing for and Tag Number verify it it the correct tag number
- Click Distribution tab once desired animals have been selected
- Click Write Defaults to show all available BARS options or double click to choose from the Chart of Accounts
- Enter Amount
- Enter Quantity
- Enter Payment method & Amount paid for instructions on how to enter payment methods see How Do I Enter Cash Receipts? (Subsection Treasurer's Receipt)
- Click Save & Next or Save & Close