SB Express Help Center

How do I enter an Animal License renewal?

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BIAS maintains an animal database that helps you search for animals, print lists for animal control staff, or run renewal notices easily.

Go to Cash Receipting > Cash Receipts

  1. Click Add New
  1. Enter User Password
  2. Enter Date defaults to user's BIAS sign-in date
  3. Enter Customer double click in the customer field to select from list or create a new customer. Find instructions on How to Enter a New Customer? here.
  4. Select the receipt Type Animal License

Any customer with an animal in the system will have a bold Animals button. When selecting a customer from the list view, double click on the customer.

The Animal License Type, combined with the customer pulls in the list of animals assigned to the customer.

  1. Check Select  for desired Animal to renew
  2. Review the Tag Year should be current year renewing for and Tag Number verify it it the correct tag number
  1. Click Distribution tab once desired animals have been selected
  2. Click Write Defaults to show all available BARS options or double click to choose from the Chart of Accounts
  1. Enter Amount
  2. Enter Quantity
  1. Enter Payment method & Amount paid for instructions on how to enter payment methods see  How Do I Enter Cash Receipts? (Subsection Treasurer's Receipt)
  2. Click Save & Next or Save & Close
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