SB Express Help Center

How do I enter a Business License?

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BIAS maintains a database for business licenses so it can easily be searched for business data which can be easily edited on the fly.

Go to Cash Receipting > Cash Receipts

  1. Click Add New
  1. Enter User Password
  2. Enter Date, defaults to user's BIAS sign-in date
  3. Enter Customer double click in the customer field to select from list or add a new customer. How Do I Add A New Customer?
  4. Select Type Business License

Any customer with an existing business license  will have a bold Business License button. When choosing a customer from the list view double click on the customer.

Click Business License to update Customer's Business information

  1. Enter Business License # here only if this will be a permanent number
  2. Select Business Type can be used to organize businesses and assign them specific revenue BARS accounts
  3. Enter or Edit the Business Information that appears on the license
  4. Enter or Edit Physical Location this is important for a liquor license and may differ from the mailing address
  5. Enter or Edit Ownership Information this is strictly informational

Business Information can also be edited in the receipt.

Once the Business Information has been updated

  1. Enter the License Year and License # unless they have a permanent number
  1. Click on the Distributions tab
  2. Select the proper BARS accounts
  3. Enter Amount
  4. Enter Payment information
  5. Click Save & Next or Save & Close

When you Save & Close or Save & Next a printer prompt will appear to print the receipt and the Business License.  The license can also be printed at a later date.   How do I print a Business License?

  1. Click Print to print Business License and Receipt if desired
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