SB Express Help Center

How do I enter an individual or a batch utility payments?

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Utility Payments cannot be entered on a date before the last closed billing period.  For example, if the Billing date is June 30th and the billing period is closed, the first day that payments can be entered is June 30th

Go to Cash Receipting > Cash Receipts

  1. Click Add New
  1. Enter User Password
  2. Enter Date defaults to BIAS user's sign-on date
  3. Enter Customer  number or double-click in the Customer field for select from list. If you need to add a new utility customer, see How do I add a new utility customer?
  4. Select the receipt Type Utility Payment
  5. Enter a note in For to indicate the reason for the transaction
Individual Utility Payment

Choosing the customer is an important part of distinguishing between an individual and a batch payment.  Individual payments are intended for customers who come to the counter and request a receipt.  Batch payments are usually entered at the beginning or end of the day and reflect drop off or mail-in payments.  When choosing an individual Utility Billing Customer, BIAS will assume that it is an individual payment.  If the customer account called Utility Payments or Batch Payments is chosen, the system defaults to a batch payment.

The customer selected below is a utility customer and is identified because the Utility Customer box is checked:

After entering the Customer, select the receipt Type Utility Payment.  The screen will update to reflect that a utility payment is being entered and the payment shown will reflect the customer balance.

If the customer is paying a partial amount, edit Payment field to correct amount being paid. If customer is paying the full balance, there is no need to edit the Payment field.  Tab to the following fields to record how the customer is paying.

Cash Tab the Cash field without any other entry the amount will populate automatically.

Check enter the Check #  tab to Chk Amt and the check amount will populate automatically.

Cash & Check enter the Check # tab to Chk Amt, edit the check amount to portion being paid by check. Tab to Cash and the remainder will populate automatically.

Credit Card enter a credit card reference number or word EFT in  CC/EFT#,  tab to CC/EFT Amt and amount will populate automatically.

Regardless of the method of payment, the payment balance must be zero to proceed.  Payments can be edited in how they are applied to various service categories, but it is not recommended.

After the payment has been entered and the balance is zero, click Save & Next or Save & Close.

This will open a prompt to print a receipt, click Cancel or Print

Individual utility payment with overpayment

When a customer makes an overpayment the customer balance due must be overwritten with the total amount of the payment.  For example, the following customer owes $58.70 but is making a $60 payment by check.

Here is what is seen by default:

  1. Overwrite the Payment amount total to $60
  2. Enter in Payment method Check#, Chk Amt, CC/EFT#, Cash, or Check & Cash
  3. Excess payment amounts are automatically distributed by the percentage of each of the customer's base fees
Individual utility payment with partial payment

At any time  partial utility payments can be accepted. Edit the payment total to the partial amount rather than leaving the customer's full default balance.  The amounts applied to various service categories are cascaded starting with late fees and interest in all categories, then other charges in all categories, and finally basic and consumption charges starting from the bottom with water paid last.

Using the previous example, assume that the customer paid $30 instead of making an overpayment.  

Here is what is seen by default:

  1. Overwrite the Payment amount to $30
  2. Enter in Payment method Check#, Chk Amt, CC/EFT#, Cash, or Check & Cash
  3. The excess amount is booked to Water Basic because there were no balances in the other categories.
Batch Utility Payments

Begin the transaction is the same as any receipt.  When entering the Customer a generic customer is selected when doing batch utility payments.  This can have a name like "Utility Payments" or "Batch Payments"  When these are selected, the Batch Pymt option is automatically checked.  If a non-utility customer is selected in conjunction with a Utility Payment type, by default it will assume that it is a batch payment.

  1. Double Click or F5 from Customer Name to select a customer.

The customer balance can be seen in the list view.

  1. Highlight the desired customer from the list

After selecting the customer the Payment field defaults to the customer balance noted in the list view.  

Complete entry the same way as an individual payment, but do NOT click Save & Next as that will close the receipt.  

  1. Click Add New to add the next payment, repeat until all entries are completed.

A running total for the batch is available on the screen.

4. Click Save & Close or Save & New when finished

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