SB Express Help Center

How do I complete daily cash reconciliation?

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Go to Cash Receipting > Cash Receipts

Receipts can be reconciled daily or across multiple days.  A recommended best practice is to reconcile daily.


  1. Click Reconcile
  1. Enter Date range for the reconciliation, typically same day
  2. Enter Cash Receipting Password
  3. Check Reconcile All Users when reconciling the drawer for all users

The screen will refresh and display a summary of all receipts for the selected date range.

  1. Enter Beginning Cash amount
  2. Enter Ending Cash amount

BIAS will calculate the total amount of monies received. Count all cash, including the amount kept in the drawer and number of bills for each denomination.

  1. Enter total amount for Checks
  2. Enter total amount for Credit Cards
  3. Print Reports, click Report for a summary page or Itemized List for a schedule of all payments
  4. Click Save & Close

Report Example

Itemized List Example

Deposit Slip Example

Browser users will just have the 'Print' option

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