Go to Cash Receipting > Cash Receipts
Receipts can be reconciled daily or across multiple days. A recommended best practice is to reconcile daily.
- Click Reconcile
- Enter Date range for the reconciliation, typically same day
- Enter Cash Receipting Password
- Check Reconcile All Users when reconciling the drawer for all users
The screen will refresh and display a summary of all receipts for the selected date range.
- Enter Beginning Cash amount
- Enter Ending Cash amount
BIAS will calculate the total amount of monies received. Count all cash, including the amount kept in the drawer and number of bills for each denomination.
- Enter total amount for Checks
- Enter total amount for Credit Cards
- Print Reports, click Report for a summary page or Itemized List for a schedule of all payments
- Click Save & Close
Report Example
Itemized List Example
Deposit Slip Example
Browser users will just have the 'Print' option