SB Express Help Center

How do I create a new billing date?

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Before starting this section, be sure to complete Customer Maintenance - Before Billing

Billing Dates serve as attaching points for monthly billing.  Upon creating a new billing date, bills can be attached to the date and controlled with batch tasks such as creation, updating, and printing.

Go to  Utility Billing > Billing Dates

  1. Select Cycle, if multiple billing cycles are used.
  2. Click Add New
  3. Enter Billing Date and Due Date. Only use one Billing Date per month. Billing Date is the estimated date for printing bills,
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  1. If Form and Format are filled in for prior date, select the same type and number.  Otherwise, leave blank.
  2. Enter Billing Period similar to prior dates. Billing Period is a required field for communicating the service period to customers.
  3. If desired, enter a Message under the Bill tab. Bill Message will appear on all customer bills and should be used for universal information.  For example, upcoming events or reminders to insulate meters for winter.
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