Before starting this section, be sure to complete How do I compare monthly readings?
The Monthly Utility Totals Report provides the big picture view of the billing run. Generate before printing bills to do a final comparison and analysis looking for reasonableness. Print after the bills have gone out to document the bill totals.
Go to Utility Billing > Reports > Monthly Utility Totals
- Select Billing Month and Year. T
- Bill Type will default to Billing.
- Totals Only will be checked by default.
- Click Preview to review and print the report.
- Compare usage and charges by service to prior periods and the same period from last year.
- The periods will not be the same but should be reasonably similar and make sense: water goes up in the summer months and down in the winter months.
- If there is significant difference, there could be an error in reads or a possible leak.
There are a lot of options for this report. Many of them will be used later on in monthly reporting. Before printing bills, be sure to review the billing totals to double-check accuracy. After printing bills, print this report to document the billing run totals.