Data entry for Accounts Payable can be done any time during the month. Enter bills when they come in or wait until they have all been collected.
Go to Transactions > Accounts Payable
Enter Accounts Payable
1. Click Add New
4. Enter date Received , tracks when the bill was received in the office.
5. Enter date Due, tracks the date when the payment is expected to be reviewed and signed. Typically the next Council or Commissioners meeting date.
The Due Date is used later on to select all payables due for review as of a certain date. It is easiest to always use the next council/commissioner meeting date to group the payables.
6. Enter total Amount to be paid.
7. Select Group to categorize payables into groups. If a payment is being issued out of multiple bank accounts (or county funds), use the group to identify which cash account the payable will be paid from. If using only one bank account to issue payments, this can be left blank.
The Group can be set up to automatically fill itself based on the first expense code entered on the Distribution Tab. This function requires additional setup. Contact BIAS Support to use this feature.
8. Enter Department to categorize payables into groups using three digit department codes (521 Police, 522 Fire, Etc.). Department can be used to filter payable reports and selecting payables for payment. If grouping payables by department is not necessary, leave blank.
9. Enter a Memo, this will be the memo shown in the General Ledger, printed check memo, and check register memo. Typically an invoice number, description of item or account number necessary to pay the vendor.
Invoices/Charges Tab
1. Enter vendor Invoice number being paid. This will be tracked in the vendor history with the payable and check number that paid the invoice.
2. The Amount Paid defaults to the entire payable amount. Overwrite with the actual invoice amount if paying multiple invoices in one payable
Multiple invoices from the same vendor can be paid on the same payable. Add them up and enter the payable Amount as the total, then list each invoice and its amount on the Invoices Tab.
3. If using BIAS Purchase Orders enter PO# to be paid. A list of the Vendor's open PO's is populated in the top right for reference. If not using PO's, leave blank.
4. Double click in Auto Pay to select a memorized transaction.
5. Enter Memo, if self-printing checks, the memo prints on the middle portion of the check stub next to the invoice number for the vendor. Typically used for an account number in addition to the invoice number referenced.
Distribution Tab
1. Enter total Amount of dollars to be distributed. This will default to the entire amount remaining to be distributed, overwrite if using multiple expense codes.
2. Enter BARS Codes expense code or double-click to bring up the Chart of Accounts and search.
3. Enter a Remark to record additional information beyond the AP Memo above. If self-printing checks, the remark prints on the stub to tear off and keep. Also, this prints on internal detailed reports and appears in the Account Detail in the Chart of Accounts.
4. Available will display the remaining budget in the expense code after paying this payable.
5. Enter a 1099 Vendor to reference a different vendor for 1099 reporting. See 1099 Reporting for details.
6. Check Use Tax to flag this expense item for Use Tax reporting. Items flagged can be grouped and paid using the Use Tax Report.
7. Click Save & Next to enter another bill or Save & Close if complete.