Print the Accounts Payable Report to review entries before posting to the General Ledger and printing checks (or submitting vouchers to the county). If at all possible, a second person in a leadership role should review and sign this report before posting the payable. There are multiple options available to be selected to make the report customizable for your entities needs.
Go to Transactions > Accounts Payable > Print
- Choose Report
- Use filters for Print, Range, Status, Type, Order, Dates, and Group to select desired AP entries.
- Click on the headers to Select the report order: (The arrow will indicate ascending or descending order)
- Class Claim or Payroll
- Amount Dollar amount of AP
- Due Date Date AP is due
- Account Sort by vendor number
- Vendor Sort by vendor name
The filters will be inherited from the Accounts Payable screen. Filters will be pre-set to show the same AP entries as shown on the main AP screen. If using groups, use the Group dropdown to select one Group at a time for reporting.
- Check Report to run with desired additional information:
- Check Print Lines to add expense codes to report.
- Check Print Invoices to add vendor invoice numbers to the report.
- Check Print Vendor Subtotals to subtotal the vendor amount in the report when two or more payables to the same vendor are listed.
- Check Print Aging to show payable amounts in categories by due date within 15 days or less, 16-30 days and 30 days or more.
- Check Approvals to produce full sheet approval for each payable including vendor invoice number and expense code.
- Check Remove Footer to hide the footer on the report.
- Check By Vendor to produce one approval page per vendor instead of one per payable.
Print and review for accuracy!