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How do I record investment interest?

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Investment interest can be recorded manually or through the Prorate Interest tool in the General Ledger.  If the interest revenue goes to one fund, enter it manually.  If the revenue needs to be prorated across multiple funds, use the Prorate Interest tool.

Go to Transactions > General Ledger

To enter interest revenue manually, follow the instructions in How do I record EFT revenue?

  1. For investment type accounts, click the Investments tab.  For cash type accounts, stay on the Cash Transactions tab.

To check the account type, go to Transactions > Warrant Checking Accounts and look at the Account Type column.

2.   Click Prorate Interest in Cash Transactions or Investments tab

  1. Select Month choose the month to add interest. The last day of the month will be the transaction date.
  2. Select the Investment Account earning interest.
  3. Enter the Amount To Split the interest earned for the account.
  4. Select Transaction Type Interest.
  5. Check Use Cash Balances to use last months ending fund balances to prorate the interest.

Prorate Interest from the Cash Transactions tab will only allow using cash balances.  If prorating interest from the Investments tab, leave the box unchecked to use the investment balances from the third section of last month's Treasurer's Report.

  1. Click Split to bring up the Select Funds window.

If the Select Funds window shows up blank, contact BIAS Support for help setting up investment funds.

  1. Check Select or uncheck Select funds to include or exclude them from receiving a portion of the interest revenue.
  2. Click Continue to bring up the Fund Totals window.

The Fund Totals window shows a list of funds receiving revenue, the fund balance used to prorate the interest, the percentage of interest received, and the revenue code used for each fund.

  1. Click Print and file with monthly records to show how interest distributions were determined.
  2. Click Write Transaction to save the interest allocation as a General Ledger transaction.
Congratulations, you are done!
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