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How do I set up Positive Pay?

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The Claims Folder must be selected prior to setup.  If setup is accessed first, BIAS will require the folder be selected before proceeding.

Establish a Claims Folder

Go to Reports > Warrant/Check Register

  1. Click the blue magnifying glass next to Positive Pay
  1. Click Edit
  1. Double-click in the Claims Folder field to and select the file location
  1. Click Save
  1. Click Close
  1. Check Positive Pay

Configuring Positive Pay

After checking Positive Pay, a new dropdown box appears.

  1. Click the blue magnifying glass to the right of the new box

When the screen opens, there are no Descriptions listed and an error box will appear saying, "Initial Task mode not allowed."  Ignore the message and click "OK"

  1. Click either Add New or Write Defaults to create a new profile

Clicking Add New allows for manually configuring the bank information.  Write Default allows the selection of banks that have already been predefined.  Write Default is the most common option.  Even if the the banks in the default list are not used, they can be used as examples if they are setup and can be deleted when done.

Using Write Default

Using Add New

  1. Enter Description name of Positive Pay export
  2. Enter Fixed or Delimiter -'F' if a fixed width format, or | are the two most common types of delimiter
  3. Enter Extension file extension if applicable, common types are txt, csv, or dat
  4. Enter Bank Account  number, the settings apply if the bank account info is needed in the export.  The bank account number is the number used in BIAS for your cash account.  This can be found under Transactions > Warrant Checking Accounts.  The routing and account number have been added under EFT Information.
  5. Enter Line Width if fixed, put the line width if required
  1. Row - Determines the order in the export file, items can be repeated (ex:  the check number can be listed in 2 separate positions)
  2. Item - Different values represented in the rows
    • Account - Bank account number, uses the account number from the Warrant Checking Accounts setup under EFT.  Use the 'Picture' option if it must be padded out to a specific number of digits for a fixed format.
    • Amount - Amount of the check, use the 'Decimal' and 'Picture' options to format the exported value
    • Check Num - Check number, use the 'Picture' option to add leading zeros if required
    • Date - 'Picture' is required to format the date.  (Ex: MMDDYYYY, MM/DD/YYYY, YYYYMMDD, etc)
    • Payee - Name on the check
    • Void Status - If this is selected, put the two characters that represent Non Voided/Voided checks in the 'Picture' column
    • User Defined - Inserts required characters on non used fields in a delimited file
  3. Decimal - Formats the amount, Yes, No, If Necessary (no decimal if the cent value is 00)
  4. Picture - Special formatting for numbers and dates.  This is required for dates, optional for Account, Check Num, & Amount.  If the item is a void status, use Non Voided/Voided letters.
  5. Position - If fixed format, position of the item
  6. Width - If fixed format, width of the item
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