SB Express Help Center

How do I change my default bank account?

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Warrant Checking Accounts

Go to Transactions > Warrant Checking Accounts

  1. Click Add New
  2. Enter Account #, this is an account ordering number not the bank account number.
  3. Enter Description
  4. Select Account Type most often Cash
  5. Click Save

If an existing account is no longer used, uncheck Active  before clicking Save.

After switching banks, there are several screens where the default bank accounts are stored.

Cash Transaction Types

Cloud Customers:  Go to General Ledger > Settings (Cog Wheel). On Prem Customers:  Go to System>Transaction Types

  1. Click Edit
  1. Enter New Account # to  Def Account, this is the number used in Step 2.
  2. Repeat for all of the account types that need to be changed
  3. Click Save

Electronic File Transfers

Go to Transactions > Electronic File Transfers

  1. Click Edit
  1. Change Default Bank Accounts to the ordering Acct # number being used. Same account number from Step 2.
  2. Click Save

Accounts Payable Group Setup

Go to Transactions > Accounts Payable

  1. Click on the magnifying glass to the right of Group

This change is rare and may not be needed, but it is used for some junior taxing districts

  1. Click Edit
  1. Change Bank Acct to new ordering Acct #.  Same number from Step 2.
  2. Click Save

Accounts Receivable Payment Types

Go to Cash Receipting > Setup Tables > Accts Receivable Pymt Types

  1. Click Edit
  1. Change Def Bank Acct to the ordering Acct# of the new account. Same number from Step 2.
  2. Repeat for all Acct Receivable Types
  3. Click Save
Congratulations, you are done!
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